The Open Guide to Cambridge - Differences between Version 12 and Version 4 of H Gee

Version 12 Version 4
== Line 0 == == Line 0 ==
Gee's was a traditional electronics shop of the sort that used to be common 30 or 40 years ago and has now largely disappeared. It will sell you individual electronic components, in paper bags, retrieved from the stacks of small wooden draws behind the counter.
Gee's is a traditional electronics shop of the sort that used to be common 30 or 40 years ago and has now largely disappeared. It will sell you individual electronic components, in paper bags, retrieved from the stacks of small wooden draws behind the counter.
== Line 2 == == Line 2 ==
It was there for many decades (and doesn't seem to have changed much in that time), and it's quite possible some of the stock has as well, so you may well find they still have stock of some no longer manufactured component. However, although they don't have a large stock of the latest stuff, they sometimes have some surprisingly niche items, usually where someone only wanted one or two and Gee's had to buy in a pack of 5 or 10 and kept the remainder.
It has been there for many decades (and doesn't seem to have changed much in that time), and it's quite possible some of the stock has as well, so you may well find they still have stock of some no longer manufactured component. However, although they don't have a large stock of the latest stuff, they sometimes have some surprisingly niche items, usually where someone only wanted one or two and Gee's had to buy in a pack of 5 or 10 and kept the remainder.
== Line 4 == == Line 4 ==
As well as components they also sold a range of electronic and electrical items, tools and accessories. Anything from Individual Torches, Batteries, Rechargeables/Chargers, Bulbs/Tubes/Power Saver Minitubes/LED lamps, Lampholders, Plugs, Sockets, Connectors, Junction Boxes, Resistors, Rheostats, Capacitors, Relays, Valves, Diodes, LEDs, Transistors, Voltage Regulators, Integrated Circuits, Circuit Boards, Meters,
LED Displays, Test Meters, Magnets, Motors, Buzzers, Calculators, Clocks, Gadgets, Lamps, Aerials, Screwdrivers, Sockets, Hacksaws, Drills, Craft
knives/Blades/Grinding Wheels/Stones, etc... You Just Have To See The Shop to Believe the Selections ! Even the Window Displays are Packed with Gadgets and Amazing !

As well as components they also sell a range of electronic and electrical items, tools and accessories.
== Line 8 == == Line 6 ==
Unfortunately, Gee's burnt down in 2019.

== Line 12 == == Line 10 ==
edit_type='Normal edit'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
== Line 15 == == Line 13 ==
hours_text='Mon-Sat 11:00-17:30 Sun CLOSED'
== Line 18 == == Line 16 ==
locale='Central Cambridge,Mill Road,Mill Road Area'
locale='Mill Road Area'
== Line 20 == == Line 18 ==
== Line 22 ==
== Line 27 == == Line 21 ==
opening_hours_text='Mon-Sat 11:00-17:30 Sun CLOSED'
phone='01223 358019 Philip Gee'
phone='01223 358019'
== Line 24 == == Line 24 ==
summary='Electronics shop on Mill Road' summary='THE Electronics/Electrical shop on Mill Road' summary='Electronics shop on Mill Road' summary='THE Electronics/Electrical shop on Mill Road'

Gee's is a traditional electronics shop of the sort that used to be common 30 or 40 years ago and has now largely disappeared. It will sell you individual electronic components, in paper bags, retrieved from the stacks of small wooden draws behind the counter.

It has been there for many decades (and doesn't seem to have changed much in that time), and it's quite possible some of the stock has as well, so you may well find they still have stock of some no longer manufactured component. However, although they don't have a large stock of the latest stuff, they sometimes have some surprisingly niche items, usually where someone only wanted one or two and Gee's had to buy in a pack of 5 or 10 and kept the remainder.

As well as components they also sell a range of electronic and electrical items, tools and accessories.

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