The Open Guide to Cambridge - Differences between Version 6 and Version 5 of Man On The Moon

Version 6 Version 5
== Line 5 ==
* [ Upcoming events at the Man on the Moon]
* [ Itchy Cambridge review]
* [ Drowned in Sound review]
== Line 6 == == Line 9 ==
* [ Pocket Pubs entry]

== Line 10 == == Line 13 ==
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edit_type='Minor tidying'
== Line 12 == == Line 15 ==
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== Line 18 == == Line 22 ==

Quiet-looking pub on Norfolk Street that transforms into a live music/club venue at weekends (and sometimes on weeknights too).

The website says that food is currently limited to the all day breakfast, bar snacks, and the Sunday roast (on Sundays, obv); but a blackboard spotted outside on 7 August 2007 also advertised fajitas, chilli and rice, salsa wraps, fish and chips, and steak, served every day noon–4pm and 7pm–midnight.

See also:

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