The Open Guide to Cambridge - Differences between Version 138 and Version 4 of Chemistry Department

Version 138 Version 4
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payday loan <a href="">payday loans no fax</a> loans for bad credit <a href=>maximum loan amount</a>
The Cambridge University Chemistry Department has little to offer the average resident of Cambridge however for university members with reason to go within the building or for people working nearby, the following may be of use.

In the lobby at the back of the building is
a stand for buying sandwiches, baguette, and buns. With the exception of the questionable cold sausage and egg mayo baguette the food is popular with the undergrads. This means that it has often sold out by 1pm. Once all stock is gone the gentleman running it closes and goes home.

It may also be of interest that there is
a cybercafe within the Unilever block of the department which sells coffee for 15p a cup. It also sells a selection of biscuits and muffins. To use the computers within the cafe you need to have a University PWF password, but they are free. If this means nothing to you then it probably should not concern you either.

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category='Payday loan <a href="">payday loans no fax</a> loans for bad credit <a href=>maximum loan amount</a>'
category='Cafes,Cambridge University Departments'
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formatted_website_text=' class="external">'
formatted_website_text=' '
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locale='Payday loan <a href="">payday loans no fax</a> loans for bad credit <a href=>maximum loan amount</a>'
locale='Lensfield Road'
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summary=' '

The Cambridge University Chemistry Department has little to offer the average resident of Cambridge however for university members with reason to go within the building or for people working nearby, the following may be of use.

In the lobby at the back of the building is a stand for buying sandwiches, baguette, and buns. With the exception of the questionable cold sausage and egg mayo baguette the food is popular with the undergrads. This means that it has often sold out by 1pm. Once all stock is gone the gentleman running it closes and goes home.

It may also be of interest that there is a cybercafe within the Unilever block of the department which sells coffee for 15p a cup. It also sells a selection of biscuits and muffins. To use the computers within the cafe you need to have a University PWF password, but they are free. If this means nothing to you then it probably should not concern you either.

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