The Open Guide to Cambridge - Differences between Version 3 and Version 2 of Copper Kettle

Version 3 Version 2
== Line 10 == == Line 10 ==
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 16 == == Line 16 ==
locale='City Centre,King's Parade'
locale='King's Parade'
== Line 18 == == Line 18 ==

Well, that took long enough, and it's annoying about the waiter misunderstanding our order and only bringing one glass of water instead of two. And disappointing, too, that the lemonade my companion ordered is just Sprite in a can. But never mind, for now I have coffee to relieve my exhaustion. Ahh, coffee, nectar of the gods.

[A slurping sound is heard]

Y'know, there's something odd about the chocolate sprinkles on my cappuccino. Hrmmmm. Let's try one in isolation. Yeurgh! Hang on, that can't be right. Better try another one. Yeurgh! I was right! But why in God's name would anyone use instant coffee granules as sprinkling on cappuccino?

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