The Open Guide to Cambridge - Differences between Version 4 and Version 3 of Raj Malabar

Version 4 Version 3
== Line 1 == == Line 0 ==
One of the cluster of Indian restaurants on Castle Hill; a concern of Kerala Group restaurants, London.

The manager recommended to me the prawn curry, the fisherman's soup, and the kurumulaku peppered chicken.

Offers takeaway, with a 10% discount on collection
Indian restaurant, North Cambridge. A concern of Kerala Group restaurants, London.
== Line 6 == == Line 2 ==
category='Chain restaurants,Indian Food,Restaurants'
category='Indian Food,Restaurants'
== Line 12 == == Line 8 ==
hours_text='Noon-3pm, 6pm-11pm'
== Line 24 == == Line 20 ==
opening_hours_text='Noon-3pm, 6pm-11pm'

Indian restaurant, North Cambridge. A concern of Kerala Group restaurants, London.

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