1 km
3000 ft

Historical version 8 of Bun Shop (view current version)

The Bun Shop was a pub on King Street; it was closed by bailiffs in September 2008. As of December 2008, it has reopened as an annexe to D'Arry's Wine Shop - not sure whether the name is changing.

The information below is retained for people who want to know what it used to be like.

A pub on King Street; forms part of the King Street run. A slightly odd setup, with the ground floor being split into a standard bar and a restaurant/wine bar, with tapas upstairs in the evening. A decent selection of meals in the bar including generous doorstop sandwiches, with a perfectly acceptable selection of beers that seem reasonable well kept.

According to a blackboard outside (photo), they serve English breakfast (including a vegetarian option) until 3pm (as of August 2007).

See also:

(Latitude: 52.20735 Longitude: 0.12300)
This is version 8 (as of 2008-12-19 09:53:43). View current version. List all versions.